Monday, February 28, 2011

February 2011

little hands at work
bring your daughter to war day
the dirty fucking hippies were right
joeyess - sorry mr. lennon
joeyess - twisted sermons
sites i saw 103
am i missed?
time floats by
sites i saw 104
would very much like to sleep, actually
sarah and butterfly - angel
January 2011
old becomes new again
utilities sucks
alrighty then, or now, even
mold and cigarettes
good morning world
still loving lemonade
making ourselves at home
here, there, wherever
aches fading
let me sleep now
working late again
time to smile
the not sleep
poor billionaires
anti corp
kicking the bloat button hard
you could have had true love
blew a good one
crap you believe
true love is a dream
remembering unconditional love
there was a time
all i need to find
still dreaming
words and food (and work)
higher risks
little interest of late
life is full of it
sites i saw 105
guess we're staying
wonderful new musical toy
a break from the news
woah and a half
the whiners
kit™ are you in touch?
you can't always get what you want
four lack of more, this
should be sleeping
alone again
weirdness of the net
like magic
fake lip
and i don't feel like sleeping what?
intelligent song
cave in
sites i saw 106
two hours sleep
wide awake at 4am again
wise would be rest
speed traps - big business vs safety
medical marijuana
sites i saw 107
afternoon naps
the reality of abortion
head code
body challenges
sites i saw 108
duh duh duh
taking care of home
happy birthday old friend
the love of your life
slept through this evening
sites i saw 109
one reason
another reason
sites i saw 110
tumblrbot asks "what is your earliest human memory?"
ah, now i'm bot bait
twitter #135
how what why
weekend is not weak at all
sites i saw 111
long fun day
quick nap
sites i saw 112
calling sleep
sites i saw 113
prices coming down
being different